About Me

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As a cancer survivor, I try to take life one day at a time. I sell my creations on the web on the following sites www.linrae.etsy.com, www.linraevintage.etsy.com, www.linraesupply.etsy.com, bonanza.com/booths/linraeonline. I also list items on eBay.com/claire402. Thank you for stopping by to read my blog and I hope you will stop in again. All comments are welcome.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb

Good Morning,
Well, it isn't morning anymore here in TN  (12:07 p.m.)  but I guess it is morning somewhere.
We spent 6 weeks in a warmer climate last winter.  Spent the time traveling around the Mesa, Apache Junction, and Phoenix, Arizona area.  Just loved the desert.  It was dry and sunny most of the time.  No heavy dew every morning.  We plan to go back to AZ again next winter.  I will post some pictures about our winter experience at a later date

Did you notice I said last winter?  I will not allow cold weather anywhere near me.  Spring has officially arrived at my home.  The robins as well as other birds have been busy gathering material to build their nests.  Spring bulbs have bloomed in the front of the house.  I need to start a list of new plantings for my rock garden by the front porch. Some of the plants had been there for a long time and weren’t very nice anymore.  They are now gone thanks to my husband who did all the hard work digging and removing the dead foliage.  I have been thinking about using some small bushes with the bird feeder and clematis as the focal point.  I was hoping to get into the city and take a look at what Lowe’s, Home Depot and Ace Hardware have for sale.  Weather man is talking about some heavy rain and thunderstorms later this afternoon.  I will put that on my list of things to do tomorrow.  We have a new deck in the back of our house right off our kitchen-can’t wait to sit out there with a good book and a cold drink.  The old saying for March “In like a lion, out like a lamb”.  Mother Nature got the lion part right, let’s hope she gets the lamb part right. 

We went to the Court House Annex a couple of weeks ago and did the early voting thing.  Glad that TN has early voting-we take advantage of it every time.  No waiting in line to vote.  I hope everyone gets out and votes in all the primaries and general elections.  It is important and your vote does count.  Sure getting tired of the political ads but I guess that is part of the process.
Last week I finally said to myself.  “Self, you need a haircut-a short haircut.”  O M G!  I told the hairdresser I wanted it short and she really took me seriously.  I packed away the hats I wore during my chemotherapy treatments in the summer of 2009 but I think I will dig them out again.  I keep thinking it will grow, it will grow.  (deep breath)  Let’s see-hair is suppose to grow approximately ½ inch a month.  Looks like it will be a very long month.  All it needs is one month and then it will be OK.  It has been a week now since I had it cut and it is really beginning to grow on me. Ugh, I didn't really say that did I?  Seriously, I do like it now that I have had time to get used to this length.
I am busy working on our income taxes and really want to get them finished by next Wednesday.  We file electronically so if you file by Wednesday (your return has to process through two Thursdays) usually can expect your refund deposited into your account on the Friday after the second Thursday after you file.  Of course that is, if the government hasn’t gotten overwhelmed with the volume of returns filed that week, changed things or decided to take a closer look at your return.  Bite your tongue.
I have been working on getting my work room a little more organized so I can find things easier.  We were in Habitat for Humanity this week and I found some clear plastic containers that will work great for my finished inventory for my websites and eBay.They are about the size of a shoebox and have a lid that snaps on to keep things from falling out.  At 50 cents apiece just couldn’t pass them up.  They look like new.  Glad I haven’t taken time to buy new ones.  I always seem to find something I can’t live without when I go into that place.   No more scrambling to find that item that just sold.    Daryl just rolls his eyes and says "Can I help you find something?" or "Did you lose something?"   All I can say is, "I know it is in here I just seen it last week".  All I can say is sometimes it makes life real interesting.  Why would I want to be all organized?  That would make life boring.  It is my afternoon project.  I probably won't get it completely finished today but it will be nice to get a good chunk of it done today.  Will be listing some items on eBay this weekend and will make it much easier and faster.
Has anyone started going through your closet to see what your clothes inventory looks like?  I did and decided to donate some things to Goodwill.  I no longer wear a large percentage of the pieces so thought someone else could use them.  With all the destroyed homes in our county last week l am sure they will go to some needy people.
Thanks for visiting my blog, sincerely hope you enjoyed it and will stop back again.  All comments and criticisms are welcome.   Well, hopefully light on the criticisms and heavy on the comments. 
Have a great day, LinRae



  1. Glad you had a nice trip out west. I will have to call you soon, as I have a project I would like some help with.

  2. Give me a call anytime on my cell phone.
