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As a cancer survivor, I try to take life one day at a time. I sell my creations on the web on the following sites www.linrae.etsy.com, www.linraevintage.etsy.com, www.linraesupply.etsy.com, bonanza.com/booths/linraeonline. I also list items on eBay.com/claire402. Thank you for stopping by to read my blog and I hope you will stop in again. All comments are welcome.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Sometimes we are directionally challenged"

“Sometimes we are directionally challenged”

The reading of my daily devotion booklet for Saturday inspired this posting.

 Even though I know where I want to end up, I sometimes can’t figure out the best way to get there.  When that happens I need to stop and get my bearings.

I am sure we all have those days.  If we don’t stop and think things through, we are likely to end up in unintended places, situations, or relationships.  Our first thoughts on what we want are not always the best thing for us in the total concept of everything.  There are times when you have wanted something for so long that it is hard to be objective.  Is it really something you want or “need”.  Will having it make your life better or happier?  And that brings up a whole new perspective on the situation,-“need”.  When I was growing up we were taught you only spend money or time on things that are “necessary”.  If you can live without it you probably don’t need it.
A person can’t expect to have everything right away.  Over the years a person needs to pay his or her dues.  Then you have the dilemma.  When have you paid your “dues”?  When can you start collecting what you are due?  A person can spend their whole life putting off things they have dreamed about doing or having because they may have felt they haven’t paid their dues.  I wonder if others go out in the world expecting to start out near the top instead of at the beginning (OK, bottom if you will) and work their way through.  I do believe that some things in today’s world are a lot tougher to come by than in the world of yesterday.  Other things are definitely considered easier.

 That brings me to my next thought.  Some days it seems that we are continually paying our dues.  There always seems to be things we want to do in life but don’t have the time or ability to collect.  I don’t think a person can realistically ever stop paying his or her dues and only collect what is due them.  A person needs to find a happy medium.  There are always things you can do to help others that are in need-your family, friends, and neighbors or put more into your job or business.  I think if we continue to pay our dues we are sure to collect what we are due.

  Some days will be better than others.  It can be hard to be patient and let life come your way.  Wouldn’t it be easy if we had an internal GPS so we could set a starting point and follow life’s path with clear instructions to our final destination.  Every time there is a fork in the road you would know which direction to turn.  It is not always an easy path to the things that are worth having in our lives.  Here’s hoping God will guide you on an easier path.

A final thought.  Do you have someone in your life that is special to you that you haven’t heard from in a long time?  Give them a call.  Better yet call and then send them a note so they can read and reread your letter many times.  If they are having a bad day, they can reread your letter and maybe you can make their day just a little better on more than one occasion.

Love these colors, don't you.

Thanks for taking time to read my blog.  Please don't forget that your comments are always welcome. 

Until next time, have a great day and an even better weekend.